Friday, August 16, 2013

The Path to Healthy Living

I recently started a new blog that I thought you might find interesting. I know I'm certainly not blogging here, so I figured I might as well tell you where you can find me.

You can find me at

And one article I think you'll find particularly interesting is this one on 47+ ways to improve your wellbeing.

The reason I started Happy Healthy Relaxed is because I wanted my own platform to share my experiences on. We'll see how consistent I stay with it, but so far I feel good.

I'm not rushing things. I'm writing when I feel inspired and I take breaks when I need to. The feedback I've gotten from readers has been fantastic. It seems like there's a lack of honest, down to earth health/happiness tips out there.

Sure, there are a lot of reputable sites, such as WebMD, out there, but there aren't enough people sharing what truly works for them, and what doesn't. That's what I intend to do with the site.

So I hope you'll pop in, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot me an email and ask away. I'm not a doctor, but I can help in whatever way I can.

And remember, the key to staying healthy is to take things one step at a time. There's no rush to go anywhere or do anything. Trying to change your whole life overnight doesn't really work. What works is taking baby steps.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do Fish Oil Side Effects Exist?

I'm a huge fan of omega-3 fatty acids, especially fish oils, and I've been reading a lot about fish oil side effects. In fact, if you click on that link, it will go to an article on my fish oil site.

I figure it's easier to just link you up instead of copying and pasting the article here. In summary though, most of the fish oil side effects are caused by bad, low-quality supplements.

You see, there can be a lot of toxicity and other poisons in the supplements you buy, especially if you buy four stuff from a supermarket or something like that.

Always do your research, and never buy your supplements from you supermarket. I never do, and I've found that it helps me save money and improve my health dramatically.

Until next time: be well!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Long Time

It's been a long time since I wrote here last. A lot has happened. I have lived in Spain for a year, and had a good time there.

But now I am back in the cold here in Northern Scandinavia. I also wanted to tell you about my girlfriend's blog, Natural Skin Care Tips, which she just recently started, so go check it out if you have the time.

My stomach is doing well. I haven't had any problems in several years, so the colon problems are virtually nonexistent.

The way I got to this point was to eat a healthy diet, and make sure my body gets the nutrients it needs, so I like to take a multivitamin and an omega-3 supplement.

Talk soon!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Foods That Cause Candida

I've been researching a little about Candida and foods that cause Candida the past few days. I even created a section on my site). There seems to be a lot of stuff floating out there.

A lot of bad products, a lot of bad information and a lot of crap to be honest. I guess it might be because Candida hasn't been scientifically studied in depth yet, I don't really know.

But I did find one product that I reviewed and I liked it, so I will be promoting it on my website because I actually think that it will improve lives instead of just try to get money from everyone.

I know this blog doesn't get a lot of visitors, but you who are reading this right now, have you ever had trouble with Candida or yeast infections?

Candida is a scientific name for yeast infections so it doesn't just mean the thing girls have 'down there' sometimes ;-)

Also I discovered that a lot of us are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. You can get more of them from fatty fish, or supplements. The health benefits of fish oil are tremendous, at least from the information I've found.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Does a Hemorrhoid Cure Exist?

I've been searching for a good hemorrhoid cure and it seems like they are hard to find. Most doctor's seem to recommend the usual eat well, exercise and do stuff that's good for you.

But if that worked, wouldn't less people complain about hemorrhoids? Statistics say that 50% of the U.S. population at one time or another suffer from hemorrhoids.

I am not a big fan of surgery and all that knife and hospital stuff. I've never liked hospitals and the thought of things being done to me with a knife or with other hospitaly things makes me kind of sick to be honest.

That is why I am always looking for natural remedies and testing everything to see what works. I've written a little about this on my website, you can check it out, I think it should be in my blogroll.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

You Can Submit Your Own Reviews!

I made a cool update to Colon Health Advice. Check it out at colon cleanse products, you can now submit your own review if you've had any experience with colon cleansing products.

That page will be awesome I promise, so just submit your experiences!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This Colon Guy Went Skiing!

Haven't been posting a lot, I guess I just haven't had the urge, I've been working a lot on my website.

I also took a short 1-week vacation and went skiing which was great, living in a cabin in northern Finland with the reindeers and a sauna ofcourse!

I'll be back with more content soon :)