Friday, August 16, 2013

The Path to Healthy Living

I recently started a new blog that I thought you might find interesting. I know I'm certainly not blogging here, so I figured I might as well tell you where you can find me.

You can find me at

And one article I think you'll find particularly interesting is this one on 47+ ways to improve your wellbeing.

The reason I started Happy Healthy Relaxed is because I wanted my own platform to share my experiences on. We'll see how consistent I stay with it, but so far I feel good.

I'm not rushing things. I'm writing when I feel inspired and I take breaks when I need to. The feedback I've gotten from readers has been fantastic. It seems like there's a lack of honest, down to earth health/happiness tips out there.

Sure, there are a lot of reputable sites, such as WebMD, out there, but there aren't enough people sharing what truly works for them, and what doesn't. That's what I intend to do with the site.

So I hope you'll pop in, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot me an email and ask away. I'm not a doctor, but I can help in whatever way I can.

And remember, the key to staying healthy is to take things one step at a time. There's no rush to go anywhere or do anything. Trying to change your whole life overnight doesn't really work. What works is taking baby steps.
