Monday, May 25, 2009

Foods That Cause Candida

I've been researching a little about Candida and foods that cause Candida the past few days. I even created a section on my site). There seems to be a lot of stuff floating out there.

A lot of bad products, a lot of bad information and a lot of crap to be honest. I guess it might be because Candida hasn't been scientifically studied in depth yet, I don't really know.

But I did find one product that I reviewed and I liked it, so I will be promoting it on my website because I actually think that it will improve lives instead of just try to get money from everyone.

I know this blog doesn't get a lot of visitors, but you who are reading this right now, have you ever had trouble with Candida or yeast infections?

Candida is a scientific name for yeast infections so it doesn't just mean the thing girls have 'down there' sometimes ;-)

Also I discovered that a lot of us are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. You can get more of them from fatty fish, or supplements. The health benefits of fish oil are tremendous, at least from the information I've found.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Does a Hemorrhoid Cure Exist?

I've been searching for a good hemorrhoid cure and it seems like they are hard to find. Most doctor's seem to recommend the usual eat well, exercise and do stuff that's good for you.

But if that worked, wouldn't less people complain about hemorrhoids? Statistics say that 50% of the U.S. population at one time or another suffer from hemorrhoids.

I am not a big fan of surgery and all that knife and hospital stuff. I've never liked hospitals and the thought of things being done to me with a knife or with other hospitaly things makes me kind of sick to be honest.

That is why I am always looking for natural remedies and testing everything to see what works. I've written a little about this on my website, you can check it out, I think it should be in my blogroll.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

You Can Submit Your Own Reviews!

I made a cool update to Colon Health Advice. Check it out at colon cleanse products, you can now submit your own review if you've had any experience with colon cleansing products.

That page will be awesome I promise, so just submit your experiences!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This Colon Guy Went Skiing!

Haven't been posting a lot, I guess I just haven't had the urge, I've been working a lot on my website.

I also took a short 1-week vacation and went skiing which was great, living in a cabin in northern Finland with the reindeers and a sauna ofcourse!

I'll be back with more content soon :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Help For Excessive Gas And Bloating

Hey Guys,

I've been very busy working on my website, but I just wrote another hub on Excessive Gas And Bloating.

It is a short one that goes through some things you can do to relieve the symptoms if you are suffering from intensive symptoms, although if it is extreme you should probably go see Mr. Doctor for advice.

Remember to keep eating your fruits and vegetables!

A good way to get in a lot of fruits and green veggies is the smoothie I wrote in my last post, just throw in as many bananas as you like.

I sometimes throw in 10 bananas (yes, that is 1kg or ~2pounds of bananas) and lots of spinach or romaine lettuce, it leaves me full for 4-5 hours sometimes and is a great "snack". ;)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

On My Way To Expert Authorship

It's almost like this blog has become an update bulletin board for my www adventures.

I just wrote this article on Colon Cleanse Instructions over at ezinearticles. It's okay, not my greatest work but I am satisfied with it.

I have been adding in a few raw eggs in my banana shakes lately. I am not noticing any big changes but it feels pretty good.

The recipe I've used for the last couple of days is:

  • 5 bananas
  • 100gram Raspberries
  • 70gram Spinach
  • 3-4 Raw Organic Free-Range Raw Eggs
You can't even taste the eggs! I usually have trouble eating raw eggs if I try to eat them alone, but this is a step forward, mixing them in ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Colon Cleanse Myths

I wrote another hub about Colon Cleanse Myths.

I'm becoming slightly addicted to hubpages, writing stuff and commenting on other peoples stuff is a lot of fun.

Here are the 5 myths from my hubpages article:

  1. Colon Cleansing Can Cure Anything Instantly!
  2. Colon Cleansing Isn't Necessary
  3. The Body Absorbs Too Much Water During A Cleanse
  4. Colon Cleansing Equipment Will Give You An Infection
  5. You Can Become Addicted To It!
Then I destroy these myths with my magical words! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Check Out My Hub!

Take a look at my hubpages hub on Colon Health and vote well for me. I deserve it! Don't I? ;-)

Colon Health For Everyone (Including the Dwarves!)

Last time we talked about how much I hated doctors. I do hate them, because most of the are incompetent and couldn't care less about you.

I have found better doctors in the private sector since they are motivated by making you happy, otherwise they wouldn't make money.

Anyway, getting back to the point! When I started eating better I started feeling better.

I was a young guy when I had my colon problems the first time and it all started when I was in Turkey and got some kind of stomach virus and had to be hospitalized for a few days along with my friend who got the same thing.

After that experience my stomach never really was the same again, and when I got home and everything should've been taken care of I felt like crap.

I was sweating in school, nauseus and had no appetite. The food I ate at home was what I was served, store bought packaged meat and all that stuff.

And at that time I really didn't eat much fruit and I hated vegetables.

It wasn't until I took a trip to Spain (where I lived for 8 months) that I started being more health conscious. I started trying fasting, parasite cleanses, liver cleanses, eating super healthy and all that.

It made a huge difference in how I felt and my stomach problems had gradually disappeared.

More rambling next time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Colon Problems Relief!


This is my first blog post, so let's get started right away.

I've had my fair share of colon problems. I had the type where doctors didn't know what I had so they said it was all in my head or that I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

This made me despise doctors, atleast doctors where I live. Most really don't know much, they just want to get rid of you and make their salary like any other guy in a boring job.

I then started to research on my own and started eating better, taking probiotics and fasting a bit. My colon problems magically went away, how weird?

What did I do?

I stopped eating the following foods...
  • Candy
  • Sodas
  • Pizza
  • Hamburgers
  • Cookies
  • Cakes
  • White Bread
  • Meat (Red meat, chicken etc. I still eat fish sometimes)
Basically just avoiding everything processed or that taxes the body too much.

Then I started eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. Yeah yeah, eating like a rabbit, I'll die, right?

No! :)

I thought I wouldn't get enough protein or enough this or that. But I tried it anyway and I felt alot better.

More next time!